Saturday 13 February 2016

Renungan Hidup Berkeluarga

Pediasure x Chatime
Jadi barusan ayah cerita habis pulang kerja. Ayah abis dari apotek. Tadi ayah sebelahan sama seorang ibu dan anaknya.
Ibu: mba, mau beli susu pediasure
Kemudian petugas apoteknya bawain susu pediasure ukuran kecil dan besar
Ibu: berapa harganya?
Petugas: (ayah lupa harga tepatnya, sekitar 130rb)
Ibu: kalau yg besar berapa?
Petugas: (ayah lupa juga harganya, sekitar 300rb)
Kemudian ibu itu diem dl dan balik badan, nelepon entah siapa dan ngobrolin ttg harga susu itu. Setelah bbrp menit akhirnya ibu itu balik lg
Ibu: mba ga ada yg standar?
Petugas: ini yg standar bu, harganya segini
Ibu: ga ada yg lebih murah lagi?
Petugas: gak ada, ini paling kecil
Ibu itu balik badan dan kembali nelepon. Setelah mempertimbangkan dgn lama, akhirnya ibu itu gak jadi beli susu.
Ayah ku berasumsi bhw uang yg mungkin ibu itu bawa cuma 100rb atau kurang, pengen rasanya bantu beliin cuma ga enak takut kesinggung.
Disini saya terenyuh dan ngerasa sedih bgt. Tadi sore, saya beli milk tea chatime di baltos harganya 31rb. Aku haus dan aku beli. As easy as that. Kalau misalnya 31rb itu aku kasih buat ibu itu, mungkin skrg anak nya lg minum susu sebelum tdr :')
People are starving for something and i spent money that easily.
Mungkin aku haus cm krn keinginan sesaat tapi anak itu butuh susu bkn hanya buat keinginan sesaat tp juga utk masa depannya.
31rb mungkin kecil buat kita, tp mungkin itu besar bgt buat ibu itu. Guys, like, 31rb jaman skrg bisa dipake apa ke mall? But in the other parts of the world, IT MEANS A THING.
If i were my dad, i know i cant do anything. I know i cant just like "bu beli aja, biar saya yg bayar" cause its not that easy. But i know that we could do more!
Saya kesel sm diri sendiri, kalau inget udah hedon brp kali mungkin ga keitung. Like i spent so much buat yg ga penting. But people are trying so hard to get something they really need :(
We live in the same world, we are under the same sky. But how it could be?
Mungkin kalau diliat dr sisi kebutuhan, memang tiap org punya kebutuhannya masing2. For some people maybe, chatime is so cheap. For me, as a university student is not that expensive. For some people, susu pediasure maybe is cheap or expensive, but for others its not. We all have different kind of perspectives. Tapi yg membuat kita sama adalah kita sama sama punya kebutuhan.
We cant change the world as easy as that. But were trying. I know all of u hoping there is no poverty anymore. Sejahat2nya lo pasti gamau liat anak diluar sana kelaperan disaat lo beli makanan di mall super mahal.
We, as youth, have the same goals. We, as youth, could do more! For Me, as a university student, want to make a change, and also you.
I am not asking u to stop buying expensive things but i just want u to take a look around. There are so many people in poverty. Just remember them. Remember. If u already, then please pray for them. Make something worth for them.
How can they know the taste of Chatime milktea if they dont even know the taste of milk itself :')

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